complete opposite

美 [kəmˈpliːt ˈɑːpəzɪt]英 [kəmˈpliːt ˈɒpəzɪt]
  • 完全相反
complete oppositecomplete opposite
  1. He was the complete opposite of Raymond .


  2. Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better while loving you for who you are , and be patient to the people who are the complete opposite of that description .


  3. I thought she would be small and blonde but she 's the complete opposite .


  4. Saltdaddy is the complete opposite of a sugardaddy , one who tries , but is broke and fronting .


  5. The office was the complete opposite of the one I just described .


  6. And it 's the complete opposite to everyone else .


  7. She 's the complete opposite to me .


  8. Was being the pursuer also the complete opposite of what you are like in real life ?


  9. Yeah , It is a big decision to stop what you are doing and changed complete opposite direction .


  10. Paul 's an emotionalhothead , but we 're looking for the complete opposite of Paul .


  11. Oh , she 's very nice , and she 's the complete opposite of Robert .


  12. Coaching challenged Tim to find an answer and , it was the complete opposite of failure mode .


  13. That squeeze at the top of the motion is NOT REST , but it is the complete opposite .


  14. Larry seemed very agitated-the complete opposite of his usual cool self .


  15. Mike : Well we live in this huge city , so how about we go somewhere that is the complete opposite ?


  16. And then , when they arrive , the Japanese find the French character is the complete opposite of their own .


  17. In my opinion , at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from the real estate transaction is a VC investment .


  18. In the context of tackling global imbalances , this effectively means that India has to do the complete opposite of China .


  19. The complete opposite to the lazy slob is the type A overachiever .


  20. Instead , youll only paint yourself in a negative and self-serving manner the complete opposite of what you want .


  21. THE OVERACHIEVERThe complete opposite to the lazy slob is the type A overachiever .


  22. But for athletes , bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts it should be the complete opposite .


  23. I was young and I found the city very mysterious , sexy and exotic , especially coming from Austria , which was the complete opposite .


  24. On the complete opposite end of the chart , well-rested French and Brazilian workers take all 30 of their allotted 30 vacation days .


  25. " I was unhappy , I was eating the wrong stuff , I was doing the wrong things and now it 's like the complete opposite ," she said .


  26. At a certain point , you would realize that someone has the exact same thing , or one thing very similar , to something on your list . And then someone else has something the complete opposite of yours .


  27. Complex yeasty nose with ripe fruits , nuts and minerality on the palate . A wine showing its intensity and maturity , a complete opposite to the previous Blanc de Blancs .


  28. George wants to go to L.A. , and the team in the NBA city that is basically the complete opposite of L.A. just took a flier on him in the last year of his contract .


  29. The structural mechanics and finite element methods have been generally used in the stress analysis of concrete diaphragm wall . The results from the former could be a big difference from that of actual observation on prototype , or even gain a complete opposite conclusions .


  30. ROBERT SHAW : " Now , of course , at the end of 2010 there 's about two billion users on the internet . The majority of those -- about 1.2 billion -- is now in developing countries , and that 's almost the complete opposite of what the situation was five years ago . "
